Monday, November 11, 2013
What did Jesus
have to say about angels?
In Matthew 22:30b
He spoke of “angels in heaven”.
In Matthew 25:41
He mentioned “the Devil and his angels”.
Jesus spoke not
just about angels, but once again, as He often did, he authenticated the
veracity of the Old Testament. (Much of what Jesus said is direct quote or in
reference to OT Word of God.) Hearing this from Him must have greatly pleased
His audience as his teaching did not conflict with traditional Jewish belief
about good and bad angels.
It should also be
noted that “the angels of God” are without sensuous desires and sex. Though
after death we do not become angels, Scripture indicates we will be like them
in this. (Mt.22:30)
In Matthew 24:36
we see angels are beings having much intelligence, but knowing everything
In Luke 16:19-22
Jesus tells of angels carrying beggar Lazarus to heaven when he died. I do not
believe this is a onetime exclusive exercise, but is common event when God’s
John I:12 children die.
In Matthew 26:51-54,
in rebuking brash sword swinger Peter, Jesus speaks of 72 thousand warrior
angels at His beck and call. (Originally a Roman legion numbered about 3,000.
By the time of Christ’ earthly ministry the number had grown to 6,000.)
Matthew 25:31
Jesus tells that at His next advent He will be accompanying by holy angels. (In
my opinion this indicates there won’t be any dark angels present lurking
Matthew 13:41, 49,
Jesus explains that with authority angels will separate God’s redeemed from the
In Luke 15:10 the
Lord tells that for certain angels are happy about any one person who turns to
God and changes the way he thinks and acts. (Note Rom.12:1-3; 2Cor.10:3-5)
1 Peter 1:12 is
especially interesting in that it explains there are matters known to God’s
family that angels didn’t or don’t know.
Angels will
witness Christ’ verification of those trusting Him and those that do not; Luke
Matthew 18:10 – I
quote from Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible: “Our Lord here not only
alludes to, but, in my opinion, establishes the notion received by almost all
nations, viz. That every person has a guardian angel; and that these have
always access to God, to receive orders relative to the management of their
charge. See Psa_34:8; Heb_1:14.”
And finally in
this morning’s study, I find yet again another new thing for me: In the prayer
of Matthew 6:10 that we are so familiar with, the existence of angels is
referred to by Jesus; “Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth” EBB4
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