Tuesday, August 5, 2014



Tuesday, August 05, 2014


  Do we always see God’s blessing? Or does bias, preconceived mindset, get in the way of doing so?

  Considering the Ten Commandments what do we see, restriction or protection?

  Looking at Exodus 20:5, do we see past the curse to God’s gracious blessing of relief and release?

  Not much in the news or high on USA or other first world government or media agendas is the persecution of Christians and Muslims in Syria. Many are fleeing to Lebanon and elsewhere . . . and who are among those taking them in and giving support and provisions? Christians.

  A pastor in Beirut told Mindy Belz of WORLD magazine “What surprises us is seeing God doing something new.” Touched by the manifesting of the love of Christ Muslim refugees are coming to church in large numbers.

  Another pastor in Damascus says their church is now “mostly full of women in black head coverings.” No one forces them to do this after receiving food parcels, but they voluntarily do so.

 Yet another pastor in Iraq told Mindy Belz his church has had many Christians flee, “except we are growing when you count the Muslims who are coming to our house gatherings.”

  Mindy Belz recommends author and researcher David Garrison’s new book Wind in the House of Islam documenting such change across 9 areas spanning the world. From his 3 year 250,000 mile survey he saw “29 nations in which most of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims live, there have been 82 movements to Christianity from Islam, defined as at least 100 new churches or 1,000 baptisms – 84 percent of them have happened since 2000.”

  How clear is our vision? Can we see God’s grace in action, or are our eyes clouded by resentment, hate, a sense of threat . . . them versus us?

  As ever, His grace will continue active with or without the sanction or support of His children. Ah, but do we see and gain the sense of it?  EBB4


Info source: WORLD, May 31, 2014, NOT YOUR HEADLINE NEWS, Mindy Belz.

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