Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Wednesday, December 09, 2015

1John [GW] 1:1-7; 2:16-17 The Word of life existed from the beginning. We have heard it. We have seen it. We observed and touched it. This life was revealed to us. We have seen it, and we testify about it. We are reporting to you about this eternal life that was in the presence of the Father and was revealed to us. This is the life we have seen and heard. We are reporting about it to you also so that you, too, can have a relationship with us. Our relationship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. We are writing this so that we can be completely filled with joy. This is the message we heard from Christ and are reporting to you: God is light, and there isn't any darkness in him. If we say, "We have a relationship with God" and yet live in the dark, we're lying. We aren't being truthful. But if we live in the light in the same way that God is in the light, we have a relationship with each other. And the blood of his Son Jesus cleanses us from every sin. … Don't love the world and what it offers. Those who love the world don't have the Father's love in them. Not everything that the world offers-physical gratification, greed, and extravagant lifestyles-comes from the Father. It comes from the world, and the world and its evil desires are passing away. But the person who does what God wants lives forever. [2Pet.3:9]

  Today’s Bible passage has to do with fellowship with God and our fellows; a composite, not an either/or; each required in order to have fellowship with the other. (*Fellowship: Strong’s G2842, κοινωνία, koinōnia, koy-nohn-ee'-ah, From G2844; partnership, that is, (literally) participation, or (social) intercourse, or (pecuniary) benefaction: - (to) communicate (-ation), communion, (contri-), distribution, fellowship.)
  I cannot claim fellowship with God when I do not walk in godly manner in my association with man. Said godly manner explained as walking in the light. Comparing Scripture to Scripture I don’t believe this means to only walk in the clear light of the Scriptural illumination on life’s path, but even more intensely for the believer, to walk according to the Word, the Light within. (Saved or lost people can apply and benefit from God’s written illumination. Example: “Don’t steal” benefits everyone.)
  We either walk in the light, or by default walk in darkness . . . lacking fellowship with God and man, plodding with weary step, living life peevishly distracted, heavily laden with the onus and confusion of sin; said onus and confusion often including a wondering about one’s salvation; with a troublesome lack of blessed assurance and the hope that burns brightly within and shines outwardly. (Ps.119:11 & 105)

  To know blessed assurance through walking in light provides immeasurable benefit in fellowship with God and man. Please do not take the matter of fellowship lightly. (1Jn.2:15-17) Let us daily hear Solomon’s wisdom on the topic: … the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble. (Pr.4:18-19)  EBB4

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