Monday, April 18, 2016


THE PROVISION OF INNER STRENGTH                John 7:33-43

  Inner strength is revealed by word and deed. Those that do so are admirable examples. They are my heroes.  Jesus being the Alpha and Omega personification, but not only that . . . He empowers within as no other can. People may inspire depending on our reaction to them. Many limit Jesus to position of inspiration; whereas His innermost power and provision are far beyond external stimulation.
  Individuals stubbornly resist partaking of God’s provision live apart from His inner strength. Lacking in personal peace, their anger toward Creator and His family and worship of creature is evidence of this dearth of inner strength. (Rom.1:18-22)
  Then there are those that with joy draw refreshing inner strength from His springs of salvation. (Isa.12:3) It is refreshing that cannot be dammed. It flows on.
  Recently, acquaintance with classmate Edna has been renewed. She, though years ago suffering horrendous loss and personal trauma emotional and physical, stood fast in and by the Word. (Jn.1:1) She is one of my human heroes. Reliance on Jesus’ inner strength healed Edna and provides her with motivation and continuing fortitude to volunteer years in service to others, many hours of which involve scrubbing and cleaning.  

  If you are not doing so already, drink at His well of eternal salvation, for those who drink the water that Jesus provides will never become thirsty again. In fact, the water He gives becomes in us a spring that gushes up to eternal living present tense.  (Jn.4:1-54)  EBB4

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