Friday, June 28, 2019


Friday, June 28, 2019

John chapter 17
2Timothy 3:6; Titus 1:12

  Baruch Spinoza believed and taught “… that everything must necessarily happen the way that it does. Therefore, humans have no free will, despite strongly believing that they do. This illusionary perception of freedom stems from human consciousness, experience, and indifference to prior natural causes. Humans think they are free, but they ″dream with their eyes open″. For Spinoza, our actions are guided entirely by natural impulses. In his letter to G. H. Schuller (Letter 58), he wrote: "men are conscious of their desire and unaware of the causes by which [their desires] are determined.” (wikipedia) His belief being taught in a number of philosophy classes, as some of you well remember or have forgotten until this moment. Spinoza’s idea should be of no personal consequence for those of us believing God’s Word is truth. (Jn.17:17) But can individuals relinquish God’s gift of free will and give themselves over to emotional impulses? They can, beginning with Adam and Eve and exemplified in individuals and/or groups ever since.

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