Monday, September 2, 2013


Sunday, September 01, 2013

  Cred is a gangbanger word; a term of utmost serviceable importance to them. Without personal or group cred you have no trustworthiness with friend or foe.

  Credibility is established and maintained by doing what you promise. Even goofy Clark Griswold understood this truth about relationships.

  The first time I remember violating this rule was during boyhood. Booby Walters (We all had nicknames.) was a few years older. Sometimes he enjoyed pushing us around. Being the oldest (13) and the biggest (6 foot, 100 pounds) of the younger faction of our gang I decided to put an end to Booby’s cruelties.

  With great bravado I walked up to him, stuck my chest and chin out, stick in hand I drew a line in Dundalk’s sandy loam. I had the full attention of friend and foe!

  With Saturday matinee drama I declared “I double-dare ya to cross that line!”

  Booby grinned and stepped forward and stood chest to chest. Actually it was chest to nose (mine) as I recall the scene.

  I cringed and did nothing.

  When Dad got wind of it he said “Win or lose, you better fight that boy.” I did . . . and took a beating that left me with black eye, busted lip, and hurting all over for a few days. At most I may have accidently bumped Booby’s nose while trying to protect myself from his slaps, punches, and kicks.

  When Dad saw me he neither grinned nor frowned. He just nodded a bit and went about his business.

  (Mom was a different story. Had she acted out, Booby would have been in far worse physical shape than me.)

  Did I regain lost credibility by taking beating after first opportunity to do so? Maybe a little, but not much I think. What did happen was in attempt to regain status I began doing daring, yea stupid, deeds.

  Fortunately within the next year we moved 40 miles north to farm south of Pennsylvania line.

  Trouble was, by this time I’d acquired habit of daring-do.

  Ann taught new teachers in indoctrination class before students arrived. Part of her lecture was about the essential import of immediately establishing and always maintaining credibility: “Never threaten a student unless you’re actually capable and willing to carry out your promise.” Then she illustrated hyperbolically: “If you say ‘If you don’t behave I’m going to throw you out the window!’ (2nd story classroom was setting) . . . and they keep misbehaving, you better throw them out the window or you’ll have absolutely no classroom credible authority thereafter.” (This always produced laughter . . . and established Ann’s credibility with the new young teachers.)

  Whether we like or dislike God’s implementing His past, present, and future promises matters not. He is Sovereign. He is Immutable. He is Credible. (Heb.6:13-18)

  Are we? (Mt.5:37; 2Cor.1:18; Jam.5:12)  EBB4

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