Monday, October 28, 2013


Monday, October 28, 2013

  Low octane gasoline is less expensive than high octane. This is obvious. Three dollars versus $3.40 a gallon is a no-brainer, correct?
  Not really. At least not for my vehicle.
  My CX-9 V6 with 6 speed transmission does not specifically require high octane fuel. On low octane it fires right up and runs without stumbling. It does however perform better on high octane: acceleration is a bit faster, upshift points are sooner and on grades downshifts are less often. We especially noticed this when carrying 7 passengers and luggage over mountains.
  That’s improved drivability, but I was talking about $$ as focal point, wasn’t I?
  Doing the math after many tanks of Gasohol versus as many fillups of liquor free driving . . . the fuel cost per mile is the same, 15 cents. How so? Miles per gallon is higher with the more expensive fuel.
  What, if anything, does the above account have to do with our Biblical godly journey?
  Stewardship is a thread throughout God’s Word. Jesus, the Living Word (Jn.1:1), talked about money more than he did any other single topic.
  So, what’s the real deal on our travelling? What does our sense per mile come to?  EBB4

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