Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Psalm 104:1  Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.

  Though we didn’t get them very often, they cost money you see, as a boy I very much enjoyed dot to dot puzzles.
  For those of you uninitiated in such delight, or do consider pencil and paper games far below remote stick and button, I explain: Picture paper page with printed dots that are sequentially numbered 1-2-3-4- and so on. Beginning with dot 1 a line was drawn to dot 2 and so on until when completing all numbers a picture is drawn. It could be object, scene, animal, insect, person, or other. I liked the famous person ones, especially if a historical figure. Wonderful fun was the puzzles containing 100 or more dots.
  If my above paragraph leaves you “Unable to connect the dots.” (Yes, the axiom came from the game. J ), please web Dot to Dot Printables and educate yourself through play the old fashioned way.
  Individuals and groups connect dots to solve problems and discover solutions. This method is remarkably useful in sorting out and discovering pictures beyond our normal vision.
  For faithful obedient 2Timothy 2:15 Christians connecting the dots in God’s Word is not so light a task as the childhood game. The work however does require that same faith of our yesteryear; that though appearing to be printed pages, significant pictures are there. (I confess at times a proclivity for playing games as opposed to serious dot to dot toil.)
   Read Genesis 3:6 in context. Then read 1Corinthians 15:21-22. Draw line between the two and what picture do we see?  Though woman, Eve, sinned first of all, man is ultimately responsible party! And connect a few more dots throughout the Word of God and we see that though all are individually responsible for actions or lack thereof, men (male) are still ultimately responsible.
  Ok, here’s one for you without giving away the picture: Read Genesis 3:14-15. Now read Matthew 1:18. Draw the line between the two. What big picture do you discover? And what is something it proves?


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