Tuesday, September 17, 2019



John [MKJV] 14:6; 18:36 Jesus said to [Thomas], I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me. . . . Jesus answered [Pilate], My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would fight so that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here. (Mt. 4:17-23; 13:11; Lk.8:1; 9:2)
Philippians [MKJV] 3:20[Paul wrote] … our citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we are looking for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, (Heb.11:10, 16)

Islam [Dictionary.com]: [is-lahm, iz-, is-luh m, iz-] /ɪsˈlɑm, ɪz-, ˈɪs ləm, ˈɪz-/ noun
1. the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the basic principle of which is absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah.
2. the whole body of Muslim believers, their civilization, and the countries in which theirs is the dominant religion.

Caliphate: An Islamic state led by a supreme religious political leader known as a caliph; meaning a successor to the prophet Muhammad.

Dear all,
  I’ve been asked about Jihad. Herein after considerable thought I express my opinion arrived at through study and observation of past Islamic history and current events in my lifetime.
  First, understand that all Islamists passionately true to their faith believe in seeking and working for a worldwide caliphate; whereas all Christians true to the Word of God do not believe in seeking or working toward a worldwide dominating religious/political kingdom. We do however believe we are to offer God’s gracious gift of salvation present and eternal through Jesus Christ. We do not do so to build an officious population, but because of mans’ desperate need for the Redeemer. (Jn.14:6; Rom.8:1-17) Those that trust Jesus Christ personally become members of God’s family (Jn.1:12) and therein citizens of the kingdom of heaven (Jn.18:36).
  Do I believe Islam is a threat to the American way of life? I do, whether peaceful, moderate, or aggressively crusading through commerce, political influence, or radical violence. But no more or less than other numerous perils including so many focusing on “the pursuit of happiness” at the expense of responsible family life and citizenship. The following is an outline of how I see Islamists hazarding our and other nations using whatever combination is effective.

1. Force
    a. bombastic outrageous threatening public demonstrations
    b. militant; uniformed, civil war, anarchy
    c. terrorism; bombers et al, piracy & other crime
    d. “FIRST SATURDAY, THEN SUNDAY!” by intimidation, exodus, holocaust
2. Politically
    a. citizenship / rights
    b. bloc voting for Muslims and/or sympathetic candidates
    c. volunteering for positions influencing education, zoning, business, law (recognition of sharia)
    d. getting elected to positions influencing education, zoning, business, law (institution of sharia)
3. Commerce & economic power
    a. investment leverage
    b. small businesses
    c. consumer power
4. Education
    a. classroom, as students at all levels
    b. requesting or demanding curriculum accommodations
    c. teaching positions
5. Socially
    a. “peace” as influence
    b. good neighbor policy
    c. publicly taking offense; political correctness pressure
6. Religion
    a. proselytization
    b. Interfaith ecumenical collaboration; propagating Allah and Jehovah as the same person
7. Making use of USA diversity, tolerance, melting pot
8. Media
    a. TV, talk shows, print interviews
    b. “enlightening” presentations
    c. ameliorating dialogue
9. Lack of cooperation with law enforcement and the courts
10. Lack of speaking out against Islamic oppression, intimidation, terrorism

  Do I believe there is peace loving Muslims? Indeed I do. Some have been members of our extended family. However, as with the peace-loving people in history, if and when caliphate Islamists dominate . . . they will comply, be enslaved, or die. History shows this. One, the few, or the many do not argue or interfere with the Inquisitors, Hitler, Stalin, Adi Amin, a Caliph or any other of such mean ilk!
  For those interested in further knowledge, just ask and I’ll send you my ISLAM FILE.
Edwin Bennett Bullock 4th

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