Friday, September 27, 2019


Friday, September 27, 2019

  Thinking Biblically requires discipline, for it is easier to think emotionally. I too am snared by feelings at times.
  Murder whether singular or masse is wrong. (Ex.20:13) Tragic and heartbreaking whether one or a multitude, sole or holocaust.
  Nowhere in His Word does God blame weaponry, whether blunt, edged, toxic, or projectile.
  What God’s Word does explain about murder is that it bitterly pours forth from the lustful heart of mankind.

James [MKJV] 4:1-3 From where do wars and fightings among you come? Is it not from this, from your lusts which war in your members? You desire, and do not have. You murder, and are jealous, and cannot obtain. You fight and war, yet you have not because you ask not. You ask and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it upon your lusts. 

  Here are a few interesting related facts reported in Dr. James Dobson Family Institute September 2019 newsletter:

  “Fatherlessness is a serious problem. America’s boys have been under stress for decades. It’s not toxic masculinity hurting them, it’s the fact that when they come home there are no fathers there. Plain and simple. Add that to a bunch of horrible cultural trends telling them everything bad is good (gang culture, drugs, misogyny, etc.) and we’ve got a serious problem on our hands. This problem can’t be solved by any policy or any sort of gun control. It is time to have a serious discussion about the degradation of cultural norms.” Mark Meckler, Patheos
  Suzanne Venker of Fox News investigated CNN’s list “27 Deadliest Mass Shootings in U.S. History and discover that only one perpetrator was raised by his biological father since childhood.
  “Psychologist Peter Langman, an authority on school shootings, studied a list of 56 school shooters.  He found 82 percent of the perpetrators grew up in broken homes with drug abuse, parental absence, and divorce.”

  We see that a culturally rooted contributor is lustful men and women planting seed that bears bitter fruit.
  Will we soon see USA revival resulting in the return to a Biblical family culture? Not being a prophet, I can only emotionally say I hope so, maybe, and definitely not so long as godly propriety is irresponsibly sacrificed on the altar of lust. Meanwhile our Christian responsibility is to Biblically fulfill our great commission regardless or trends happy or sad. (Mk.16:15)

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