I awoke this morning without a Thought on my mind. As always there’s the option of checking DT archives, selecting one that speaks to my heart, editing it as necessary, then sharing with ya’ll. Instead I chose to check e-mail. I’m glad I did, for the following comment from one of my beloved (1st) cousins, Jo, stirred my thoughts.
funny that you say that [READY TO BE RAPTURED], every night in my prayers I say
to God I’m ready when you are. Not that I want to go but I have been blessed
with a good life...️Jo”
So what does ready to go/ready to stay reveal about Jo and the rest of us of like Christian mind?
A life centered in Jesus’ summarizing two fulfilling commandments.
Hear the Word: After Jesus had made the Sadducees look foolish, the Pharisees heard about it and got together. One of them was an expert in the Jewish Law. So he tried to test Jesus by asking, "Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the Law?" Jesus answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, "Love others as much as you love yourself." All the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets are based on these two commandments.” (ESV MT.22:34-40)
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