Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Psalm 119
Luke 9:62 Jesus said to him, "Whoever starts to plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God."
2Timothy 2:15 Study earnestly to present yourself approved to God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

  Reading the Bible does not assure any serious influence in our life. This is especially so if we read, even faithful daily, using a dart board style method. (During Middle Ages some monasteries settled difficult issues by holding Bible page edges up and dropping on table. Then the blindfolded candidate, accused, perpetrator, or puzzled being would be led before the table with hand held high. Extending his/her finger they would bring their finger to the Bible. The monks then would determine appropriate definition and application.)
  Blindfolded, drop your Bible on the dining room table. If your finger lands on “workman” today’s point is made. But we’re not to depend on medieval methodology. Any hope for the Bible to influence our lives requires work, regular labor; something obvious in every other endeavor, but rarely considered applicable in Bible study.
  Using exercise as example: Does one start with walking a 10K or marathon to begin with? Is pressing 250 pounds a beginning exercise? Of course not! (Don’t think I pushing exercise. 1Tim.4:7-9)
  Several exercises that will benefit:
·         Keep in mind that Jehovah God is Sovereign.
·         Pray first, include your desire for godliness pleasing to Sovereign God.
·         Read with your mind and heart, not your eyes. Have yours a noble study beyond dependency on others. (Acts 17:10-11)
·         Keep in mind that reading the Bible is not a magic potion, only serious study accompanied by submissive attitude with thereafter application can accomplish this. (Ps.119)
·         Always keep important questions in mind while studying.
·         Don’t make the Scripture a time during your day. Make God’s Word your day. (Ps.119)
·          Read the passage more than once during the day.
·         Jot down a few notes, pocket or purse to reconsider during your day.
·         Don’t wait for Sunday sermons, engage someone of like mind that you can converse with. “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.” (Pr.15:22)
·         Be an earnest workman with determination to continue plowing so long as the field is before us. (Heb.9:27)

  And don’t forget to tell others what you’ve learned and about the resultant improvement in your life. (This includes comments for Saturday DT FORUM.)  EBB4 

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