Monday, February 7, 2022



·         Surely it is reasonable to believe that God has given us a Book. We are His creatures and He has a plan for us. What better way could be found for God to communicate His will to us than in a book?

·         Let us start with God. We say He exists but how do we know? Simply because we see his handiwork all around us, under us, above us. Romans 1:19-20; Acts 14:17. We are living in God’s great unlimited universe, which is so vast and yet so infinitesimal, that even with our most powerful telescopes and microscopes fathom its heights and depths. Job 11:7-9. [In my nearly 85 years academics have discovered much that they don’t know or yet understand.]

·         We know that things don’t come by chance. Every effect demands a cause. Consider, for example, a wristwatch, a very useful article. Without it or other timekeeping our life would be not all what it is. Do these instruments and other such grow on trees? They do not! Everyone knows this as it takes a series of people and steps to manufacture them. Miners, designers, engineers, skilled workman, salesmen, shippers, et al.

·         Our world is literally packed with effects. Take our world itself as a large example. The planet Earth revolving around yon Sun, absorbing light, heat, and beneficial rays. Then there’s the Moon performing necessary duties.  Earth, we know, is stocked bountifully with oil, minerals, et al. On its surface grows a abundance of plant life. The seas swarm with multitudes of fish. The atmosphere is filled with birds that entertain and feed us. Everything is governed by laws that operate silently, but faultlessly atmosphere, precise for life’s survival, then He fashioned us uniquely in His image. Genesis chapter 2.

·         And what of the intricate design of our bodies with a multitude of interacting systems. Consider our astounding interacting senses alone.

·         And then there’s the fact that God designed us as the highest in His creation with purpose. That purpose revealed to us in His Message to us. His Book of all books by faith easily understood by people of many levels in society. Gen.1:26-27; 1Sam.12:24; Eccl.12:112-14; Jn.17:4; Rom.12:1-3

·         . Does not this great planet cry out for recognition of the Creator, God, omniscient and omnipotent enough to bring all of this into being? Or are we foolish enough to think it all just happened without the Designing Manufacturer?

·         Consider further matter of design, this PC in particular. The various parts I see did not materialize from thin air without much thought, workers, material. Then there’s the part that baffles me, the software.

·         Consider flying birds. They do not molt all feathers at once lest the be grounded and vulnerable. Did their design just happen?

·         Look around you. Nothing we see just happened.

·         God is! He alone is responsible for our incalculably vast and intricate universe. Colossians 1:17 without exaggeration there are countless proofs of God being, His ability, His power. 

·         We, too, are creatures of God’s will. God alone is responsible for mankind’s existence. First He fashioned our environment, water, soil,

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