Friday, February 11, 2022



·         Other than One Editor, the human penmen of the Scriptures had almost nothing in common. Literary wise Moses may have been educated schooled in Egyptian universities. Amos was a herdsman. Joshua a general. Paul was a learned man. But what of the others? Peter was a fisherman with no record of being educated.

·         God spoke through them, using them to write the Scriptures of His divine plan.

·         To see the weight of the above truth, suppose you were to endeavor to assemble a comparable topical book from various bits of literature written thru the ages by various human “authorities”. What would you have? A hodge-podge of contradictions and diverse opinions.

·         The Bible as a compilation is a whole different result as there was one instructive Author. This even though its composition as a book argues against its unity. Read it. See it!

·         Summarizing:

66 books; 39 OT, 27 NT

                Dozens of various penmen, educated and not, never knowing or reading one another

                1500 years

                Various languages

           + 3 continents

                The harmonious one book Word of God by the Eternal Author. 2Tim.3:16-17

(Excerpted from Dr. Orr’s booklet)




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