Sunday, July 28, 2013


Sunday, July 28, 2013
  Having completed verse by verse thru Genesis, our adult Sunday School class is now working thru Exodus. We are presently studying the 10 Commandments. Last Sunday quite a discussion ensued on the Sabbath commandment.
  As happens some weeks, study and discussion doesn’t end at 10:45am on Sunday mornings. Fellow student Bob Readhimer sent the following out to us on Monday.
  Read on . . . and please do join in the discussion.  EBB4

Reference: John MacArthur study Bible foot note:
Each seventh day belonged to the Lord and would not be a work day, but a day set apart (holy) for rest. The term "Sabbath" is derived from "to cease from work" Significantly, the command for the Sabbath is not repeated in the NT, whereas the other 9 commandments are. In fact Col 2: 16-17 nullified it. It belongs to Israel under the Mosaic economy, the Sabbath could not apply to the believer of the church age, for they are living in a new economy.

Colossians 2: 16-17 (Foot note) Sabbath The weekly celebration of the seventh day, which pictured God's rest from creation. The NT clearly teaches that Christians are not required to keep it.

Acts 20: 7 first day of the week  (Foot note)  Scripture does not require Christians to observe the Saturday Sabbath. the Sabbath was the sign of the Mosaic Covenant with Israel.
Reference: J. Vernon McGee (Thru the Bible )

Exodus 31: 12- 13 Then the Lord said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, You must observe my Sabbath. This will be a sign between me and you for generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy.  

(Foot Note) The Sabbath day was given to man right after creation, and it was observed universally.  When we come to the Mosaic system, we find that God made it one of the Ten Commandments for the children of Israel.  At this time God makes it quite clear that the Sabbath is only for the children of Israel.  The Sabbath was given specifically to Israel.  I do not believe it was ever given to the church.  When someone asks me, "When was the Sabbath day changed?" I always reply that is never was changed.  It was done away with, as far as the church is concerned.  We are not under the Sabbath day which is Saturday.  We do not observe Saturday--Jesus was dead that day and we are not serving a dead Christ.  On the first day of the week Jesus Christ rose from the dead.  The church from the very beginning met on the first day of the week.  That is when the church was born; the day of Pentecost was on the day after the Sabbath.  The Sabbath was first given to the entire human race but man turned away from God, and God gave the Sabbath exclusively to Israel.


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