Matthew [NLV] 19:13-15 Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray for them. The followers spoke sharp words to them. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me. Do not stop them. The holy nation of heaven is made up of ones like these.” He put His hands on them and went away. [Mk.10:13-16; Lk.18:15-17]
My grandson is 17 today. How the years have flown! The summer of 1990 he
spent most of his time with us on the farm. He and I talked a lot about God,
Jesus, and the Word of God. In July we went to church camp together. The second
night, he went forward during the altar call and accepted Christ as his Savior.
Oh, if all children would trust Him and His love for them!
Leslie Nivens (12/12/1928 – 3/1/2020)
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