Friday, June 3, 2022


 The Marks of a Christian, By J.C. Ryle


  What does the Bible say about being “born again?” The Bible is absolutely clear in its declaration that the “new birth” is not a mere outward altering of life. It is not a human accomplishment. Jesus says that to be a part of God’s kingdom, we must be born “of the Spirit” (John 3:5). The new birth is a “renewing which comes by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). The new birth is a tremendous spiritual change wrought in the human heart by the Holy Spirit. It cannot be observed with the human eye. We can only see its results.

  The new birth is a mystery no one can clearly explain; at the same time it is a reality that no one can explain away! The new birth is something that no one can hide, however. Evidences of the inner change will be seen in many ways. But there are many who desire to understand the marks by which a person may know whether he is born again—whether his heart has been changed by the Holy Spirit.

  Now these marks are laid down plainly for us in Scripture. God has not left us in ignorance of this point. He foresaw how some would torture themselves with doubts and questions, and would never believe it was well with their souls. He foresaw how others would take it for granted they were regenerate. He has therefore mercifully provided us with a test and gauge of our spiritual condition in the first Epistle of John. There He has explained what the regenerate man is, and what the regenerate man does—his ways, his habits, his manner of life, his faith, his experience.

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