Sunday, November 24, 2019


Sunday, November 24, 2019

  “Finally, everyone must live in harmony, be sympathetic, love each other, have compassion, and be humble.” (GW 1Pet.3:8) 
  When it come to pride versus humility, there is no neutral ground.
  As with all characteristics favorably beneficial or otherwise detrimental, there are evidences, some very obvious, others not so; pride quite easily recognized in others; while comparatively the most difficult evidence to see is personally that pride is spelled “life is all about me”. (Note 1Cor.12 & 13, especially 13:11)
  Here is a checklist I compiled first of all for myself and to assist others in the recognition our pride:
1.     Passing judgment on, complaining against God. Num.14:1-11; Rom.9:20.
2.     A general lack of gratitude and thankfulness. 2Chron.32:25.
3.     Anger, ever-present “my rights”. Mt.20:1-16.
4.     Intolerant, easily disgusted. Lk.7:36-50.
5.     Inflated view of importance, intelligence, gifts, abilities, talents. 1Cor.4:7.
6.     Focusing on # 5. list of lacks. 1Cor.12:14-25.
7.     Driven in perfectionism and expecting it in others. Mt.23:24-28.
8.     Vociferous loose lips. Pr.10:19.
9.     Boastfulness. Pr.27:2; Gal.6:3.
10.  Difficulty in working or serving under authority; wanting to control. 1Cor.1:10-13; Eph.5:21.
11.  Disproportionately concerned or regulated by other’s opinions of you, resulting in man-pleasing instead of God-pleasing manner. Gal.1:10. (There’s also the contrary side of this pridefulness; not giving a hoot about manner and reputation.)
12.  Ravaged and riled by advice or criticism. Pr.13:1.
13.  Unteachable. Pr.19:20; Jn.9:13-14.
14.  Sarcastic and demeaning toward people. Pr.12:18, 23.
15.  No recognition = no service. Gal.5:13; Eph.2:10.
16.  Without concern for others. Mt.5:7; 18:23-35.
17.  Defensiveness and blame-shifting. Gen.3:12-13; Pr.12:1.
18.  Self-excusing or half-heartedly apologetic. Pr.10:17.
19.  Prayers centered in self, not others, not God. Lk.18:10-14.
20.  Disrespectful. 1Pet.2:13-17.
21.  Untimely or inconsiderate opining. Phil.2:1-4.
22.  Not asking forgiveness of God or man. Mt.5:23-24.
23.  Underrating sins and limitations. Mt.7:3-5.
24.  Maximizing others’ sins and limitations. Mt.7:3-5; Lk.18:9-14.
25.  Irritable and impatient with others or even self. Eph.4:31-32.
26.  Jealous and envious. 1Cor.13:4.
27.  Using others for self-interest or gain. Mt.7:12; Phil.2:3-4.
28.  Deceitful, secretive. Pr.11:3; 28:13.
29.  Fishing for compliments and attention. 1Pet.3:3-4.
30.  Abstaining from close relationships. Pr.18:1-2; Heb.10:24-25.
  Additionally: another mark of pride versus humility is refusal to examine self using a checklist such as this one. 
  After editing and setting aside the above to ponder a bit more, an afterthought: Hours after completing EVIDENCES OF PRIDE, the absolute incongruity of pride’s manners struck me. Living in and by pride we may all at the same time despise authority while being a man-pleaser while bragging of sinful exploits while deceitfully hiding or denying others while fishing for recognition while apologetic about accomplishment while ___________. O’ but how sinful we are!

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