Monday, June 22, 2020


Monday, June 22, 2020

“In the beginning God created . . . And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.” Genesis 1; Colossians 1

  We know that things don’t come by chance. Every effect demands a cause. All things starting with and consisting by God. This fact being initially published and throughout His Word to us.
  We say He exists but how do we know? Simply because we see his handiwork all around us, under us, above us. Romans 1:19-20; Acts 14:17. We are living in God’s great unlimited universe, which is so vast and yet so infinitesimal, that even with our most powerful telescopes and microscopes fathom its heights and depths. Job 11:7-9. In my nearly 85 years academics have discovered much that they don’t know or yet understand.
  This morning again I saw observable proof.
  Though odd to some, the bird feeder I placed in my front yard before my kitchen table window delights me. This morning beyond corn flakes and newspaper I observed 4 sparrows unusually sharing the stale bread. As I continued to observe I saw the reason for the rare cooperation. One was the mother, she feeding her brood . . . and teaching them independence. One by one the children ceased taking nourishment from their mother, began impatiently feeding themselves, and independently flying out of sight.
  It was a wonderful reminder of God’s grace, and man’s calamity at not all following His wisdom revealed in creation.

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