Wednesday, August 10, 2022




Thought for critical thinking discussion in the light of God’s Word: The USA is a mixed economy, an olio of classical liberalism (free markets) and bureaucratic socialism. In our nations early times it was primarily the former, then through man-centered democracy things changed

A core change was/is the shift to bureaucracies established to decide and manage public “needs”. So now we have government heavily weighed by socialism.

In Epoch Times, July 27-Aug.2, Mark Hendrickson stated “… in a typical year, more than 90% of the rules that Americans must live by (or else be fined or otherwise punished) are promulgated by bureaucrats rather than enacted by legislators.”

Furthermore: According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Clyde Wayne Crews, in 2020, Congress passed 178 laws, while executive branch unelected bureaucrats issued 3,353 binding rules. That’s a 19 to 1 ratio favoring socialistic governing.

“If you want to put a dollar figure on the cost of bureaucratism in the United States, economists John Dawson and John Seater calculated the 2011 gross [national] product of $15.1 trillion could have been $53.9 trillion – 3 ½ times greater -- if federal regulations had remained at their 1949 level.”

If at all, how do you think this relates to Scripture? If so, how?

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