Friday, November 18, 2022




The question being: ”Why do you think God, in His Word (the Bible), provide so much coverage on Satan?”

Maybe warnings? Dick


Per your question, why does satan get so much coverage in the Bible?  In a nutshell…


Satan was first called out in Genesis 3 as his deception lead to the “fall” of humanity, and the promise from God for redemption.  In the fall, Satan now owns the world and all people.  In the desert, Satan offered it all to Jesus, if Jesus would fall down and worship him.  Jesus resisted, as He was to obey God’s plan for our redemption.


“For we do nor wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”  (Ephesians 6:12). 


“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.”  (Colossians 1:13-14).


Catholic (lower case “c”) beliefs, is that our baptism is our adoption to be a son/daughter of God.  Holy Communion gives us Jesus’ body and blood were we are bought back from sin and Satan’s domain again and again.  Cited: “if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves” (1 John 1:8-10).  Plus, we receive God’s forgiveness and sing praises with the Heavenly Hosts.  Holy! Holy! Holy!  Praise the Lord!


Love In Christ,

Retired Confirmation Teacher


Wayne Smith

To show what a person would be like if they walk away from God. Also since Satan was so close to God we can see everyone can fall away from serving God. Satan minister to God daily and still fell away and we can too.


1. We can never say that he doesn't exist, having received so much coverage.

2.  The enemy is arrogant and clever at somehow gaining exposure at the expense of others.

3. To have such a large exposure has to mean that whatever is learned about him must be important to God. 







People used to ask the chaplain at Bryan to pray for revival quite often.  My question (internally thought) was:  if revival hit the compound, would people be able and/or willing to walk in their newness of life given their circumstances.  


People pray for the good old days not realizing that the good ole days for some was not the good ole days for many others.  I believe what God's Word says in Philippians 3:13 about forgetting those things behind me.


Instead of praying for Republicanism or any other political party, I ask for pure Christianity, which has absolutely nothing to do with politics. It's about being clean and pure in heart...enough to truly love one another just because it's a command from God.  I ask for untainted wisdom that comes from directly from God and not our emotions.  This type of wisdom provokes honesty and integrity at a level that requires diligence, patience, perseverance and the self control it takes to do what is right by God's standards.


Revival in the heart of just one person CAN always makes a difference.   The Word says in Deuteronomy 32:30 that two can put ten  thousand to flight. So, when true revival comes, I pray for the actions and behaviors in those affected that can be so transparent, that it causes immediate transformation for many others.




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