Thursday, June 5, 2014


Thursday, June 05, 2014

John [GW] 8:34-36 Jesus answered them, "I can guarantee this truth: Whoever lives a sinful life is a slave to sin. 35 A slave doesn't live in the home forever, but a son does. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be absolutely free.

  A young daughter asked her mom to teach her how to fix her delicious pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions.  After doing so, and family raving about what a wonderful meal she accomplished, they began the cleanup.
  As they worked the daughter asked several more questions on preparing the meal. The mother was able to sufficiently answer all but one: “Why did you cut the end of the pot roast off before placing in the pan?”
  “That’s the way my mother did It.” responded the mom.
  By nature a curious female, the daughter brought the question up repeatedly in the following weeks. Finally the mom said “We’ll ask Grandma when we visit her in the retirement home next week.”
  When asked, Granny smiled humorously, saying “Your Granpa loved Sunday pot roast but he was too cheap to buy a larger pan!”
  Which reminds me of another story …
  The Iron Curtain along the Czech-German border consisted of 3 parallel electric fences that were patrolled by shoot-to-kill armed guards that were rewarded for enforcement and punished for laxness. This barrier prevented people and the beloved red deer population from crossing over.
  Thanks to the relentless courageous efforts of President Ronald Reagan and others, in 1989 the fences came down . . . but the red deer then and until this day will not cross the border. Most remarkable is the present herd is generations beyond seeing the peril of the fences, but continues to mindlessly follow the pattern of their ancestors.
  These descriptions have me wondering about if and where I may be bound by old small pots and long gone fences.
  Do you too wonder about this in your life?  EBB4

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