Thursday, August 7, 2014

WORRY BY CHOICE: Responsibility

WORRY BY CHOICE: Responsibility

Thursday, August 07, 2014


1Peter [GW] 5:1-8 I appeal to your spiritual leaders. I make this appeal as a spiritual leader who also witnessed Christ's sufferings and will share in the glory that will be revealed. Be shepherds over the flock God has entrusted to you. Watch over it as God does: Don't do this because you have to, but because you want to. Don't do it out of greed, but out of a desire to serve. Don't be rulers over the people entrusted to you, but be examples for the flock to follow. Then, when the chief shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. Young people, in a similar way, place yourselves under the authority of spiritual leaders. Furthermore, all of you must serve each other with humility, because God opposes the arrogant but favors the humble. Be humbled by God's power so that when the right time comes he will honor you. Turn all your anxiety over to God because he cares for you. Keep your mind clear, and be alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion as he looks for someone to devour.


  When I do not utilize God’s gracious all-wise guidance, provision and his omnipotent shouldering I am not living responsibly.

  I believe God is very clear in His Word that I am ultimately responsible for my thinking. One passage in particular that repeatedly speaks to me on this is 1Corinthians chapter 2; I am surrounded, approached with, even assaulted by various philosophies continually. I must decide which to use limited day and energy to examine and compare.

  Let us note carefully something Jesus explained about the issue.


Mark [GW] 4:15-19  Some people are like seeds that were planted along the road. Whenever they hear the word, Satan comes at once and takes away the word that was planted in them. Other people are like seeds that were planted on rocky ground. Whenever they hear the word, they accept it at once with joy. But they don't develop any roots. They last for a short time. When suffering or persecution comes along because of the word, they immediately fall from faith. Other people are like seeds planted among thornbushes. They hear the word, but the worries of life, the deceitful pleasures of riches, and the desires for other things take over. They choke the word so that it can't produce anything. [Underlining mine.]


    Though it may sound strange, a conclusion irritating some: Worrying can be our comfort zone.  EBB4

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