Friday, November 7, 2014



Friday, November 07, 2014


Exodus chapter 3


  There he was, in the 40th year of the second third of his life, fragrant as his father-n-law’s sheep he tended. Was he expecting that day to be any different than the past 14,599 or so? Was he thinking “Maybe today God will soon give me something really important to do?”

  Possibly, or angst that however long it had been a Egyptian SWAT would swoop out of the desert and chariot him away. Or possibly his surrogate mother would now be in control and intercede with a government pardon and restoration to royal wardrobe and all that goes with it. Possibly, but more likely he was just doing his job, responsibly moving from one normal task to another.

  As Jon Mayo communicated to me yesterday afternoon, God doesn’t intend our sitting around waiting or longing for a Moses Moment. Jon is absolutely correct and can provide verification from OT, NT, personal observation, and his own maturation.

  Our responsibility is to be faithful exactly where we presently are. Indeed God may intercede, or interfere. (Note Moses reaction.)

  I quote dear succinct Ann, “Bloom where you’re planted.”

  Yes, wherever that place is we are to be regarded as faithful servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. (1Cor.4:1-2) This includes being “found faithful” whether smelling of roses, lanolin, cabbage, sewage, or any other ambient fragrance.


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