Thursday, December 28, 2017



Genesis 3:22 The LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil."

Godliness, piety; specifically the gospel scheme: - godliness, holiness, is mentioned 15 times in the N.T. 1Tim.2:2, 10; 3:16; 4:7-8; 6:3, 5-6, 11; 2Tim.3:5; Tit.1:1; 2Pet.1:3, 6-7, 11

  How we define mental and emotional health greatly shapes life as live it. It definitely may affect those living around us for without proper mind we too often don’t handle the knowledge of good and evil maturely.
  I’m thankful for my Christian elders that challenged and provoked me during my novice days as a follower of Christ; they impressing upon me my responsibility in defining life-matters through and by the Word living (Jn.1:1) and written (the Bible). They were not spoon feeding teachers. The prodding tool they used most often was questions, leaving me to come up with Christ-centered Bible-based answers. Sometimes I was correct, other times not so, the latter when they then provided more questions or detailed guidance.
  Sometimes it was a cheerful “Good day.” followed by a surprise question. One such was “How do you as a Christian define sanity?” leaving me to ponder until answering later that day.
  By Adam and Eve before their disobedience said I. “How so?” By comparing before and after. Then the usual “Show me.” In Genesis and thereafter record we see wholeness displaced by death spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and bodily.

Before: At peace with God and themselves. Serenity. Confidence. Knowing who they are. Unsullied occupation. Without worry or grief.

After: Self-awareness, ego. Shame. Anxiety. Fear of God. Covertness. Rejecting responsibility; shifting blame to others. Sorrow. Envy. Murder. Lust. Family conflicts. Adultery. Theft. Errant affections. Divorce. Politics. Wars. Multiple religions. In latter days the industrious growth of the mental health profession. And so on as recorded through Revelation and the eyes of all mankind.

  Emulating my respected elders I too now leave you with a provocative question. Sanity according to the revelation of God’s Word is exceptionally different than the world’s definition, what exactly is the world’s definition of sanity compared to godliness?


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