Sunday, September 20, 2015


Sunday, September 20, 2015 (Original 10/15/10)

2Timothy 2:15

  An event yesterday set me up for today’s DT: Gesa, our German “granddaughter” is visiting. While she was with me I was about to pay 40 dollars for a service and the man said “Your money is no good here.” Gesa was confused. Why? Due to geographical/cultural distance. Once I explained what the colloquialism meant, she not only understood but was delighted. (Yes Alice, I did warn her not to use on German friends without explaining first.)
  “Your money is no good here.” may be new to some of you for the same reason, distance. Not as far away as Europe maybe, but age span or possibly cultural distance. (When I came from Maryland to Nebraska I had to drop a bit of lingo and learn some.)
  Much understanding and insight can be realized by digging out knowledge on Bible times’ colloquialisms, people, jobs, events, dress, politics, manners and customs.
  Such education may even include freeing from stress and worry: I once read of a wealthy American that believed he was trusting Jesus, but in reading Mt.19:24-25; Mk.10:23-26; Lk.18:24-26 was very concerned as to whether he would go to heaven or not. When it was explained to him what Jesus meant there and relating the event to the larger context of Scripture, the man was freed from his anxiety and thereafter lived in charitable blessed assurance.
  There is no lack of resources for this sort of Bible learning.  ( ), concordance, & other free Bible study software, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) & numerous other *books in software or print, and much more is available.
  Using Saul/Apostle Paul as example: In ISBE look up “Paul” and you’ll find “Paul, The Apostle” “Paul, Voyage and Shipwreck of” “Pauline Theology” . . . all not just helpful, but necessary for thorough reading and study of the 13 portions of Scripture God led Paul to pen. Or you can simply use e-concordance, printed concordance, Nave’s Topical Bible, et al to find every verse that mentions Saul/Apostle Paul. Read them in context and you’ll realize spiritually beneficial scholarship.
  God bless you this day as you seek The One that waits. (Rev.3:20)  EBB4

*Naming 2 on my bookshelf: Handbook of Life in Bible Times, by J.A. Thompson (IVP and Manners and Customs in the Bible, by Victor H. Matthews (Hendrickson publishers).

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