Friday, September 11, 2015


Friday, September 11, 2015

Proverbs [NLT] 1:7 Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge,
    but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
2Corinthians 5:17 So that if any one is in Christ, that one is a new creature; old things have passed away;   
    behold, all things have become new.

  Vishal Mangalwadi is the author of "The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization." (Thomas Nelson) On April 13, 2011, he also wrote a brief essay on the topic for Fox News; Does the Bible Matter In the 21st Century?
  Does the Bible matter today?
  It does to me. It does to others. It does to young man David.
  David was raised by gentle Christian parents that exemplify God’s Way.
  But, like Adam, parent nor environment mattered naught when David reached what he considered age of personal freedom.
  After stumbling around for a few years, David took a look in the mirror and didn’t like what he saw.
  Knowing what He says, David decided to agree with God.
  David is now an avid 2Timothy 2:15 workman. David is now teachable. David seeks God’s wisdom from God’s Word, knowledgeable family (His older sister, USA and overseas missionary, is ecstatic.), friends, and elders. David’s life is quite different these days as he seeks to and yields his will to God.
  The Book of Proverbs is David’s favorite. In reading and studying Scripture, he has made exciting discoveries that further his Romans 12:1-3 rethinking. “Did you know that Jesus mentioned or referred to Proverbs 40 or more times?!”
  One Sunday David handed me a manila file folder. On several pages he had typed his discovery of the precept recorded in 1Corinthians 1:24; that Christ is the power and wisdom of God.
  Does the Bible matter today?
  Only if we individually reverence Sovereign God and personally agree to let the Word reign in our lives. Then shall our godliness be salt and light for others stumbling thru days.  EBB4

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