Wednesday, April 6, 2022

THE WOIRD OF GOD -Part 2, segment 1

 Published on ( The Word of God - Part 2, T. A. McMahon [Segment 1}

“Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah:2:12-13)

Those verses include a warning from the Lord for His people—and the reason for the warning. They are the consequences of His followers forsaking Him by turning from “the fountain of living waters.” Although addressed to the Jewish people during the time of Jeremiah the prophet, God’s words of admonition also seem to be directed at the Christianity of our day.

 In Part 1 [2] of this series, questions were asked in survey form for the reader to evaluate where he (or she) stands in regard to his fundamental beliefs in the Word of God. The survey centered on the inerrancy, the authority, and the sufficiency of the Scriptures, and concluded that the sufficiency of God’s Word is “the tell-tale indicator as to where the reader actually stands regarding the inerrancy and authority of the Bible.” That is the case, because if you claim to believe in the inerrancy and authority of the Word of God but look to other sources for help with your spiritual issues of life, you are indicating that Scripture is no longer sufficient for you; it is no longer your authority, thereby making a belief in biblical inerrancy pointless—and worse. 

Thus this article will focus primarily on the sufficiency of God’s Word, which the Bible claims is totally, absolutely, and unequivocally sufficient (2 Peter:

Two of the most obvious and destructive examples of not adhering to the sufficiency of God’s Word have to do with the fact of man’s turning to the pseudosciences of evolution and psychology [6]. In the mid- to latter part of the 1800s, some influential Christian leaders were impressed with the theories of Charles Darwin. They wanted their Christianity to be respected by the world as being in tune with the latest scientific theories and “discoveries” of their day. However, not all the preachers of that day were so inclined. C. H. Spurgeon wrote, “If God’s word be true, evolution is a lie.” To that completely accurate observation, he added the handwriting on the wall: “The age is getting worse and worse, and man, by a process of evolution, is evolving a devil. Within fifty years children in the school will read of extraordinary popular delusions, and this [evolution] will be mentioned as one of the most absurd of them.” 

One might excuse the church for its ignorance in thinking Darwin had it right, were it not for the fact that his theory is diametrically opposed to the Genesis account. But what of the church today? It not only has God’s Word, but it also has access to ministries that show in great detail the delusion of evolution. Even so, evolution has been solidified throughout academia, even though there is not a shred of scientific evidence to support it. Nevertheless, any teachers in secular schools who do not support it are shown the door, and they have great difficulty securing teaching positions elsewhere. Evolution is one of Satan’s major successes. The lie he’s sold to Christendom is that the Word of God knows nothing about science [7], especially regarding how the world was formed. Scientifically speaking, we’re told, the Bible is not sufficient.

Does Spurgeon’s scathing but true characterization of evolution as “absurd” come to mind here? So, the Creator of everything is clueless as to how He went about His creation process? Really? But don’t be concerned about the Bible not keeping in step with “science [7].” Some religious-minded folks have stepped in to help God, Christianity, and science [7]. They came up with the theory of theistic evolution! The idea is that God, through billions of years, used the evolutionary process up to the time that a humanoid male and female evolved, and into which God placed a soul and a spirit. That idea is a joke to evolutionists, but the Catholic [8] Church, liberal Protestant theologians, and many Christian universities and seminaries teach it. 

How destructive is the increasing belief in evolution to the biblical faith of millions of Christians? If billions of years of death preceded the sin of Adam and Eve, then what is stated in Genesis:2:17

Similar to evolution, which poses as science [7], psychological counseling pretends to be scientific as well and has destroyed the lives and beliefs of many Christians. Although there are Christian authors with science [7] degrees and seminary professors with Ph.Ds who teach various aspects of evolution that undermine the Word of God, they do not compare numbers-wise with the host of those involved in Christian psychology [6]. That army is led by Christian psychologists along with the multitude of Christians who have been credentialed with degrees in psychological counseling.

First of all, what is Christian psychology [6]? It is an attempt to shore up the Bible where it is insufficient regarding the mental, emotional, and behavioral problems that afflict Christians. To that end, those seeking counseling degrees study the theories of psychiatrists and psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and a host of their disciples, all of whom are antichristian to the core and whose theories are diametrically opposed to the teachings of the Word of God. Like evolution, psychotherapy has no scientific basis whatsoever. Yet, since the 1960s, the rise of Christian psychology [6] has sounded the death knell for Christians who look to the Scriptures for “all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge”  of the truth of God’s Word (2 Peter:1:3). 

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