Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

  I read Janie B. Cheaney’s essays. For the most part I like what she says, and then there are the ones that speak to my need for reshaping. I read recent essay she wrote of how our words (self-talk) and the words of others shape us . . . my adding here: dependent upon whether we so allow, or embrace, or reject.
  To illustrate self-talk, Cheaney provides tale of 4 year old asked if it was he that tracked mud into the kitchen. “No, that was my shoes.” said the lad.
  Then there’s THE RIFLEMAN projected line in the late 50’s TV series, “A man doesn’t run from a fight. But that doesn’t mean you go looking to run TO one!”
  Did you hear about the new Smartphone app created by St. Louis designer Matthew Homann, and already being purchased and used by women? It’s called INVISIBLE BOYFRIEND, providing texts and voicemails from a faux beau. In TIME interview Homann explained “We’re not trying to build something that could fool you. Our intention has always been to build something that helps you tell a better story about a relationship you’re not in.”
  Say what??!!
  And then there is the WORD supplying ultra significant words “It is written, Man shall not live [be quick] by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (KJV Mt.4:4; Lk.4:4)
  Hearing and believing this, LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our potter. We are the work of your hands. (GW Isa.64:8)


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