Monday, July 3, 2017


Monday, July 03, 2017

2Corinthians 10:3-5 For though walking about in flesh, we do not war according to flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, pulling down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought into the obedience of Christ;

  Verses and passages have but one interpretation. However, they do often have more than one application for the individual. This morning I share personally in the hope of helping others with the same mental workings.
  Thought I’m not plagued with anxious thought, as I’ve shared before, I have loads of thoughts. My mind is like a salad being tossed with many thoughts coming in, sticking, or exiting. At this moment it is happening. A single word, sentence, picture, sight, sound, smell et al may generate much mental activity, very quickly stirring me to move far from topic at hand.
  Indeed Paul reminds us that what subject matter we think about may be sinful in disobedience to Christ. Considering that sin means missing the mark, I can do so by lack of disciplined mental focus.
  Exercising suppression helps, but is tiring in the long run. It requires stamina that at 81+ is not in supply as once was. Plus suppressing may be sinful as it may inadvertently bring 1Thessalonians 5:19 into play.  
  Notating and filing mentally or on paper is much more workable. I share a few written ones from yesterday morning:
·         Matthew chapter 1 isn’t just a genealogical account. It shows God’s planning, His grace and mercy, His fulfilling a number of prophecies, and is proof of the veracity of Scripture.
·         Who was the first gentile to convert to Judaism? (This was a totally unconnected out-of-the-blue thought.)
·         God didn’t order Joseph to marry Mary. God gave him permission to violate Jewish law. (Thanks Ernie!)
·         Matthew 1:21, to the Jew collective deliverance. To me and other such, seen as individual deliverance.
·         Having conquered the Jewish nation, the Romans were the controlling occupation force. The Word (Jn.1:1, 14) told his followers to obey Roman law. If we were conquered by the Muslim, would Jesus say obey Shariah law? (Mt.5:41; Rom.13:1)
  Some of you identify with me and my blessing that I could allow to be a curse. Has my story been helpful? I pray so.

PS. I know others have the opposite function. They are like a train on track. My Uncle Elmer was so. This requires a totally different discipline. Sidings?

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