Friday, August 17, 2018


Friday, August 17, 2018

  A week ago I invited all of you to share your stories on patience. Here are the responses.

P.: The only philosophy I have concerning patience is…never ask God to teach you patience or give you patience.  No doubt he will do so by making you practice the art of waiting.  

M.: Love it! Ed.  An old Mary & Wendy song about patience titled "Instant Breakfast", came to mind...  Last line of song reads: "Give me the patience...I want it NOW!!!” God bless!!!

C.: Dear Wise One, I think the better translation is “Longsuffering” not patience!! Once again your words have been a blessing to me.  I will try to be brief. 
   My husband and I had a thriving construction business, he was a scratch golfer, worked out regularly, our children were grown, and we had purchased a house on a golf course in Arizona.  Our “Plan” was to work a few more years to pay for the Arizona house, and then winter there.
   However, on June 6th 2014 he went in for a minor surgery.  The doctor made a mistake that caused disabling injuries to his leg.  Since that day, we have had 7 surgeries,  and are waiting on the 8th.  Because of this:
-He became unable to work, we lost the business
-He was not able to golf, so his 25 year golf membership was cancelled
-I found employment after the business closed for income and insurance, but eventually had to quit work to care for him
-He continues to suffer from chronic pain, he had been unable to sleep, cannot tolerate a bed,  and has been in a recliner for 4 years.  I sleep on the couch next to him for emotional support and to care for him. 
-We used to be very involved with our 7 grandchildren, but  we have been unable to participate in their activities, or take them out socially.  Too painful for my husband.
   So, Longsuffering.   YES.  Faith tester.  YES.  Lots of tears.  YES. 
   My thoughts are that you cannot practice or experience patience without the following:
-Faith in God.  Believing that God is in control and loves us. 
-Daily bible study – reading his word or devotions to keep us connected to God
-A church family – They have been my rock and support
-Listening to Christian music  i.e.  KLOVE / KGBI

  Although I don’t understand, I know God’s word is true, and have learned that I have no choice but to patiently wait.  As you pointed out, many in the Bible waited years for Gods plan to be complete.  It is his timing, not ours.  Putting our lives in his hands, and knowing his timing is perfect, gives me the strength to be patient.  Blessings    

Heather: Being PATIENT & WAITING is only one side of the challenge I see.  The other is recognizing which situations/moments are these TRIALS/TRIBULATIONS/VISIONS and which are simply situations/moments that WE ARE BETTER SERVED STEPPING AWAY from.  
Prayer... Reflection... Past Experiences... Seeking Counsel...

DK: My husband used to have the most terrible road rage!  I used to dread car trips with him and suffered terrible nightmares of him killing us in a car accident before each road trip. Now, that he has cancer and the road rage is completely gone!!!  God has cleansed him of this terrible sin!  Praise the Lord!
  However, God is still working on my husband’s unforgiving heart.  He loves to hold grudges against his family...mainly with his sister.  He is so mean to her.  He doesn’t like when I send her beautiful birthday cards and money.  He flew into a tantrum when he saw the beautiful card I made for her and he refused to sign it!  Oye vey!
  Last time we visited my husband’s sister, he made her cry.  He told her she going to get cancer for being fat and smoking.  Recently, she had a blood test that indicates a possible cancer.  Her circulation to her organs is failing and her hip is dying.  She has to use a walker to get around.  She got scared and cut down on smoking... plus, she lost a lot of weight.  She was “obese” according to her doctor on the disability paperwork.  Now, she is going to some kind of therapy to help her with her addictions and it’s working!  Praise the Lord!
   I hope my husband’s cancer goes into remission and we can get up North to visit everyone.  I would love to see my husband hug his sister.  I have never seen him do that.  He just bad mouthed her every chance he got, and he said she ruined his childhood.  This relationship needs to heal as God is love, and if you can’t forgive and love people, Jesus won’t let you into His Kingdom!  Please pray that this relationship heals.  Thank you!
  When my husband takes Holy Communion he is asking God for help.  He is terribly afraid of death and of going to hell/purgatory.  (His family and his godfather are Catholic so they talk about purgatory.).  He told me the Book of Revelations states you cannot enter Heaven unless you’re an overcomer.  So, God is working on him removing all his addictive sins that he never could get rid of on his own.  Thank you Jesus!
Love In Christ,

S: Other than you the person I think of who has shown the most growth in demonstrating patience is R.B., a recovering drug addict and felon.  After M. was incarcerated she patiently stood by him while he was in prison. She no longer uses drugs, attends recovery meetings daily and has a good job.  Every time I talk with her I am amazed at how much she has grown spiritually.  She is patiently waiting for M. and will be a very positive influence on him when he gets there.

Anonymous; Two persons confessed to impatience when they hear longtime Christians use non-Christian terms such as “Karma” “The universe has been good to me today.” “I check my horoscope every morning.” “I hope the force is with me today.” “Good luck!”

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