Friday, July 26, 2019


Friday, July 26, 2019

  One of the principles of Bible hermeneutics is there is but one explanation but there may be numerous applications. “Thou shalt not steal” is an example of this; items in hand not ours, but also playing a PC game while being paid to work, or conversely not working at playing a PC game when you’re paid to do so. Matthew 23:24 is like this, Jesus explaining a truth about present and eternal spiritual matters that the religious leaders were missing the major significance of while they emphasized minor things.
  History is rife with the gnat/camel mis-focusing. Native Americans focused on winning battles and not on strategy and tactics to win the war physically and/or politically, whereas the invaders focused on winning the war though they lost many battles; this Little Big Horn scenario common to political and military history. Putting symbolics above substance in family is another practice. (Family fun or reputation overarching family soul.)
  This not to say that gnats are to be entirely always ignored, but that the gnat/camel truth means we should prioritize what is most important to invest prayerful time, thought, $$, and effort in.

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